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The Latest from Avondale Prep School

At Avondale, we consider communication between home and school as an essential part of the learning process. We like to keep you up to date with the latest news and reports from classes on our website. Children also present their learning in Termly assemblies. Additionally, we send Termly newsletters home that accompany invoices, as well as correspondence throughout each term, advertising forthcoming events.

Receptions Trip to Hawk Conservatory

Read about reception’s trip to the Hawk Conservancy Trust 30/4/24

Summer Term Letter 2024

Welcome back to the Summer 2024 Term. Our latest news on staffing, school clubs and much more.

Spring Term Letter 2024

Welcome back to the Spring Term. Our latest news on staffing, school clubs and much more.

Autum Term Letter 2023

Welcome back to the Autumn Term. Our latest news on staff, school timings, calendar and much more.

Summer Term Letter 2023

Welcome back to the Summer Term. Find out about our 100 years of celebration, the summer fair, new staff and much more!

Spring Term Letter 2023

Welcome back to the Spring Term. Our latest on staffing, calendar dates Strep A, parents evening and much more.

Reception’s trip to Amesbury Library October 2022

Reception had a wonderful time on their first school trip to Amesbury Library this morning!

Autumn Term Letter 2022

Our latest newsletter is packed full of information for the Autumn Term. Avondale celebrates its centenary, our latest staff updates, school timings and more...

Summer Term Letter 2022

Our latest newsletter is packed full of information for the Summer Term. Find out about our latest on communications including fundraising, NO COVID restrictions,  the Summer Fair and more...

Spring Term Letter 2022

Our latest newsletter is packed full of information for the Spring Term. Find out about our latest on communications including Uniform and Thrift Shop Arrangements, Spring Calendar, 11+ Success and more...